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[104美國直購] VTech InnoTab Software, Disney's Minnie's Bow-Toons $617

[104美國直購] VTech InnoTab Software, Disney's Minnie's Bow-Toons $617


台中浴室天花板 施工

Disney's Minnie Bow Tunes kids software features interactive learning games that teach about numbers, counting, shapes, matching, colors and patterns

Includes an e-Book with a learning dictionary based on TV episode 'Trouble Times Two'; Minnie and her nieces have to help movie star Penelope Poodle get ready Barkademy Awards

Educational toy features the voices of Minnie, Millie, Melody, Daisy and Penelope Poodle and has an overall 'fashion' play theme

Learning software lets kids decorate photos of with wacky Minnie stickers and frames (camera mode compatible only with InnoTab 2, 2S, 3 and 3S)

Kids gaming software is intended for kids 3 to 6 years of age; compatible with all VTech InnoTab systems including InnoTab 3, 3S and 3S Plus

Product Description

Get ready for the big fashion show with Minnie and her friends at the Bow-tique!

From the Manufacturer

Minnie and her friends are having a fashion show, and they need your help to get ready. Your child will have a blast helping Minnie and her friends through three different games and three creativity activities, learning about patterns and colors, shapes, matching, and so much more. You child will also enjoy reading the e-book based on the TV episode, “Trouble Times Two,” where Minnie and her nieces have to help movie star Penelope Poodle get ready for the big Bark-a demy Awards. There’s even a fun photo activity so your child can take photos and decorate them with Minnie stickers and photo frames. It’s always a party with Minnie and friends, so come along and join them.

Product Details

Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 2.1 x 1.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces

Origin: USA

Item model number: 80-231700

Manufacturer recommended age: 4 - 6 years

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